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    “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory.
    Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.”

    – Sun Tzu

    All of the internet marketing activities referenced above are great tactics to use in your online marketing efforts but the key point is that they are exactly that – tactics – To get the best “bang for your buck” you need to have an overall Internet Marketing strategy that has very clear objectives.

    If your objective is to grow the number of leads in the business by 20% you then need to put together a strategy that will achieve that goal. Alternatively, your objective may be to build brand awareness, introduce a new product to the market or conduct some online research for your mainstream marketing efforts. Both types of the objective are perfectly valid for an online marketing campaign but the tactics used to achieve each of these objectives may be different.

    When we start working with a new client we start by identifying these objectives and then put together an online marketing plan that makes good business sense. We are not interested in one off projects where we build a website and then walk away, instead our goal is to partner with our clients as a trusted advisor. We meet regularly and measure our results against your objectives. We insist on measuring everything and use these results to make improvements month on month.

    Here are a few of the aspects we look at to build your strategy:

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